Siva-upadESa-AkhyAnam – Part 5

Continuing the discussion from 

Lord Siva said: maharshI, ever fulfilled “cit“, everything, incomparable, peaceful, having itself assumed in three fold distinction, by the power of creativity, appears as space (field) filled with all the energy. By right contemplation (as explained in earlier post) having cut away the movement and vibration it attains the name of witness i.e., paSyantI nAma. Once it reaches this stage, the seed of future lifespans is removed. (this is praNava or OmkAra stage)

Listen to the next stage: This witnessing consciousness becomes the universal of all universals and comes to be known as turya or the fourth. (this is the stage after crossing A, U, M of the OmkAra and reaching the arthamAtra or the fourth subtle part of OmkAra also known as tanmAtra!)

Listen to the further final stage: The tanmAtra has four further divisions – nAda, bindu, Sakti, and SAnta. The consciousness attains the turiyAtIta stage by reaching the fourth of the fourth – SAntam.

samastam suSivam SAntam atItam vAgvilAsataH
Omityasya ca tanmAtrA turyA sA paramA gatiH – Verse 30, Sarga 34, Nir.Pur

All this, purest of auspiciousness, ultimate peace, beyond all the capability of speech, of OM the tanmatra, the fourth, it the final abode.

Sage vAlmIki Said: 

As Lord Siva declared thus, along with Lord Siva, bhagavAn vaSishTha, nandi and others present there all gone into samAdhi.

My Notes:

  1. This brings us to the end of 34th Sarga on the eve of kAmika EkAdaSi of SrI vikAri year.
  2. Even though bit technical, three fold division is visible world. Fourth is the subtle cause of it. As each three fold division is transcended, the samAdhI gets to the next stage or bhUmika. There are three such bhUmikas to perfection. That is the essence.

Om tat sat

About Prasad Chitta

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